So I know we could just go to the safe and look at what she wrote down for the Baby’s gender… but at this point with no more possible sonograms I wouldn’t trust it. IF we were going to find out I would have wanted to check more often to be sure!

Now it’s just guessing and waiting… but I’m enjoying the guessing. So I put a list of some of the “signs” that I’ve found or noticed about the baby… here is an update 🙂

If your baby is low and all out in front, then you are having a boy. If you carry your baby higher and you got wider with the pregnancy, then you are having a girl.

Neutral- Baby is high and mostly in the front so this one doesn’t help either way… because the results are half and half. 

The ring test is a very common baby gender predictor. You hang your wedding band on a string of your hair, or on a string. Have someone stand over you and hold the ring directly over your belly. If the ring moves in a circle you are having a girl and if the ring sways back and forth you are having a boy.

Neutral We tried this one but Steve either managed to be really still and the ring didn’t move much at all or he could tell it was only moving because of the way he was moving…. so we couldn’t get anything on this one.

The rate of the baby’s heartbeat is also supposed to let you know. I have heard that this is one of the myths about baby gender prediction that often provides to be true. If the baby’s heart rate is faster than 140 beats per minute, then you are sure to have a girl. If the average heart rate is below 140 beats per minute, it is said to be a boy.

Girl– The heartbeat has never been below 140… usually in the 150’s. So Girl.

If you have morning sickness that seems to last all day long and last for longer than your first trimester, then you are having a girl.

Boy– I wasn’t sick at all… just a week or too of ickiness.

I found some that say supposed indicators of a girl are: round face, acne breakouts, the woman looks worse pregnant than she did when not pregnant, and her chest grows dramatically.

Boy– my face hasn’t changed, I’ve had very few breakouts and my chest did not grow that dramatically.

But I also found that some supposed indicators that the baby will be a boy are: hair grows faster on the legs, her nose widens, feet are colder during pregnancy, and you have not had a dramatic growth spurt in the chest area.

Girl– So since none of these are true either I guess that means the opposite.

I found this quiz online that asked questions and the results were 60% in favor of Girl. But it really came down to the a question I couldn’t answer because I hadn’t noticed.

They asked if Baby was high- Yes (Girl), 2. Baby heartbeat is over 140 bpm (Girl) 3. Cravings are sweet (Girl) 4. No morning sickness (Boy) 5. My belly looks like a basketball (Boy) 6. Weight is all in the front (Boy) 7. no acne (Boy) 8. My feet are the same (Girl) 9. they asked if hair was growing faster or slower  but I haven’t noticed so they said the same meant (Girl) 10. they asked if urine was dull or brightly colored. I haven’t noticed and when I tried to notice I am not seeing a difference from before and I don’t now what qualifies as dull or bright….

So that means that quiz either ties us at 5 and 5 or 6 and 4 LOL

The Chinese gender predictor on the Pregnancy site and another site both say that Baby will be a Girl. But another Chinese gender predictor says boy… but I’m going with the majority.

We heard a lot about the reliability of the Drano Crystal test…. we did this last weekend to ambiguous results. The instructions we used said to add urine to the Drano crystals, wait for the chemical reaction to end and then check the color. The chemical reaction seemed to last far more than the 10-15 seconds the instructions said… when it was done it was about 5 minutes later and the liquid was black…. which indicates Boy.

However, I we felt that those results might be off because they said the reaction would only take a few seconds when it took much longer. I found another website that said “If the mixture darkens to a brownish color within the first 10 seconds – It is a boy. If there is no darkening or color change after 10 – 15 seconds – It is a girl.” Since it took a little bit for the color to change that would mean Girl.

And lastly two lists…
It’s a Boy if:
  • You are carrying low- no 
  • You are craving salty or sour foods -no
  • You are craving protein – meats and cheese-no
  • Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy-no
  • The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy -no
  • Your hands are very dry -no
  • Your pillow faces north when you sleep-no
  • Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you-no
  • Pregnancy has you looking better than ever -don’t know
  • Your urine is bright yellow in color -don’t know
  • Your nose is spreading -no 
  • You are having headaches -less than before, so no
  • You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number -no 33
  • You didn’t experience morning sickness in early pregnancy -yes
  • Your baby’s heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute -no
  • You are carrying the extra weight out front -yes
  • Your belly looks like a basketball -yes
  • Your areolas have darkened considerably-no
It’s a Girl if:
  • You are carrying high -yes
  • Your belly looks like a watermelon-no
  • You are craving sweets -yes
  • You are craving fruit -yes
  • You crave orange juice -yes
  • You don’t look quite as good as normal during pregnancy- don’t know 
  • You are moodier than usual during pregnancy -no
  • Your face breaks out more than usual -no
  • You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread-no
  • Your breasts have really blossomed! -no
  • Your pillow faces south when you sleep -yes
  • Your urine is a dull yellow color -don’t know 
  • You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number -yes 33
  • You had morning sickness early in pregnancy- no 
  • Your baby’s heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute- yes 
  • You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear -no
  • Your left breast is larger than your right breast -no
  • Your hair develops red highlights – don’t think so

There are lots of other crazy tests involving licking pennies or waiting to see which color flower will die first… but I haven’t gotten around to those yet… probably will not.

The only other “test” is women’s intuition. I steadfastly refused to guess during the first trimester. The first time we saw the sonogram I just blurted out “Oh, there she is!” And I’ve had four or five dreams in which the baby was a girl… not sure if that counts but whenever I slip I say she.

Another “test” I’ve heard is that Daddy always knows… Steve thought the baby was a girl until about 7 months and then he changed his vote to boy.

Either way we will be thrilled and I can’t wait to see his/her face 🙂 I had a dream that we were so excited to see Baby that we forgot to even check the gender!